What to prepare

Cost centres and projects

Download the sample import file and add the name and abbreviation of the centre or project

VAT breakdown and pre-contraction

Prepare a list of VAT breakdowns and precharges that you will allocate to expenses.

API specifications

The current version of the Fidoo API is located athttps://api.fidoo.com/v2/and includes:

  • tracking card transactions,
  • reports on app users,
  • an overview of the Fidoo cards,
  • orientation in parameters and balances on Fidoo cards,
  • creating a new user and ordering a personal Fidoo card,
  • recharge and recharge your personal and team cards.

API key generation

The API key is generated by the Main Administrator in the Fidoo application, the API key must be inserted into the X-Api-Key header in the called queries.

Description of each public API call


Value Description Example of data Note
firstName User name Jan
lastName Last name of the user Novak
email User’s email address jan.novak@example.com
phone User’s phone +420605562478 Used to verify
employeeNumber User’s employee number AX12545 Defined by the client, filled in the user profile
userState User status active / deleted / new It takes one value from three variations. Valid at the time of export.
kycStatus you status from the customer’s position unknown / ok / failed / refused It takes on one value from four variations. Valid at the time of export.
language User application language en / en
userId Unique user identifier in the Fidoo system 30dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e
Position The user’s position in their company Accountant
usesApplication Has/does not have access to the app true / false True corresponds to the user who has access to the application.
deactivated User is/is not deactivated true / false True (true) corresponds to a deactivated user, false (false) to an active user.
Value Description Example of data Note
userId Unique user identifier in the Fidoo system 30dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e
firstName User name Jan
lastName Last name of the user Novak
email User’s email address jan.novak@example.com
phone User’s phone +420605562478 Used to verify
companyId Unique company identifier in the Fidoo system r6417d750-2f6a-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93
employeeNumber User’s employee number AX12545 Defined by the client, filled in the user profile
Position The user’s position in their company Accountant Defined by the client, filled in the user profile
userState User status active / deleted / new It takes one value from three variations. Valid at the time of export.
deactivated Is the user deactivated? true / false True (true) corresponds to a deactivated user, false (false) to an active user.
LastModified Date last modified by user 2022-09-17T13:28:35.382Z
usesApplication Has/does not have access to the app true / false True corresponds to the user who has access to the application.
language User application language en / en


Value Description Example of data Note
cardId Unique card identifier in the Fidoo system b16d2df4-5c28-4b90-9a8a-a88c3258fa53
cardState Card status first-ordered / active / hard-blocked / soft-blocked / expired It takes one value from five variations. Valid at the time of export.
cardType Type of card personal / shared It takes on the values of either personal or shared.
maskedNumber Masked PAN card 549546******3575 The first 6 numbers and the last 4 numbers are displayed. This is the number stamped on the front of the card.
embossName Cardholder in the Fidoo system Jan Novak This is the name stamped on the front of the card.
alias Optional card name for easy system search Honza’s card
expiration Card expiry date 2024-01-31
availableBalance Available card balance 0 Valid at the time of export.
accountingBalance Account balance of the card 0 Valid at the time of export.
blockedBalance Sum of all uncleared (blocked) transactions 0 Valid at the time of export.
deliveryEstimate Estimated delivery date of the card 2022-01-31
userId Unique user identifier in the Fidoo system 30dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e
connectedUserIds Unique user identifiers in the Fidoo system associated with the card 30dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e If it is a team card, then multiple users are assigned to it, with their IDs separated by semicolons.
/v2/card/load-card /v2/card/unload-card
Value Description Example of data Note
cardId Unique card identifier in the Fidoo system b16d2df4-5c28-4b90-9a8a-a88c3258fa53 Charged/discharged card
amount Amount 1000 Amount charged/discharged in CZK
message Optional message Money to buy materials Pertaining to the charge/discharge of the card, maximum length 50 characters

Card transactions


ValueDescriptionExample of dataNote
idUnique identifier in the Fidoo system07dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e
cardIdUnique card identifier in the Fidoo systemb16d2df4-5c28-4b90-9a8a-a88c3258fa53
expenseIdUnique expense identifier in the Fidoo systemr6417d750-2f6a-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93
cardEmbossNameUser name or name stamped on the cardKAMIL BLAZEK
cardMaskedNumberMasked PAN of the card549546******3575The first 6 numbers and the last 4 numbers are displayed. This is the number stamped on the front of the card.
transactionDateTime stamp of the transaction origin2022-09-17T13:28:35.382+02:00
settlementDateThe time stamp of the transaction posting (if already posted)2022-09-18T13:28:35.382+02:00
originalAmountAmount in original currency450
originalCurrencyThe currency of the transactionEUR
signedAmountAmount posted in CZK (if already posted)-11745,14This value has the opposite sign to the originalAmount field.
serviceFeeAmount of service fee0Usually for the use of an automated teller machine (ATM).
transactionStatusTransaction statusaccountedValid at the time of export.
transactionTypeTransaction type[viz poznámka]For example. Retrieved from
merchantNameMerchant NameCESKE DRAHY, A.S.
merchantLocationAddress (city) of the merchantPRAGUE 1
merchantCountryIdentifier of the country in which the transaction occurredEN
categoryNameThe category of the tradertravelDisplayed if populated.
cardTypeCard typepersonal / sharedTakes either personal or shared values.
mccMerchant Category Code (International Merchant Category Code)4722Composed of 4 digits.
transactionLocalDateTimeTime stamp of the transaction in local time2022-06-20T12:17:24Can also take the value null if the value is not known.


Value Description Example of data Note
expenseId Unique expenditure identifier in the Fidoo system r6417d750-2f6a-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93
ownerUserId The unique identifier of the user in the Fidoo system, created by the expense 30dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e
dateTime Time stamp of the expenditure 2022-09-17T13:28:35.382Z
lastEditDateTime Time stamp of last expenditure adjustment 2022-09-17T13:28:35.382Z
name Name Name The specified name of the expense, e.g. Lunch with a client
classState State of expenditure open / sent / approved / other It takes on one value from four variations. Valid at the time of export.
type Type [viz poznámka] The type of expenditure is either manual or card-transaction.
amount Amount 1000 Total amount of expenditure, in original currency
amountCzk Amount in CZK 1000 Total amount of expenditure in Czech crowns
currency Transaction currency EUR Listed in ISO 4217 format
shortId Abbreviated expenditure identifier EX-10
receiptIds Unique identifiers of receipts attached to the Fidoo dispensing system (if attached) 07dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e
companyExpense Amount of company expenditure 420 Value amount (Transaction Amount) less privateAmount (Private Expense Amount)
privateAmount Sum of all private expenditure 30
cardId Unique card identifier in the Fidoo system b16d2df4-5c28-4b90-9a8a-a88c3258fa53 If the expense is a card-transaction.
travelReportId Unique identifier of the business trip report (receipt) in the Fidoo system 331a0bd0-0f95-11ea-8d71-362b9e155667
vatAmount Amount of VAT 34.81
vatRate VAT rate 0.21 Listed in the range 0-1
taxBase Amount excluding VAT (base) 950
accountCode Preconfiguration code PHM
accountCredit DAL value 450
accountDebit The value HAS GIVES 320
vatAccountCode VAT code of the given pre-contraction VAT21
vatAccountCredit VAT value for DAL 20
vatAccountDebit VAT value for MÁ DÁTI 10
costCenterIds Unique identifiers of cost centres in the Fidoo system attached to the expenditure a787d2f0-f261-4618-b7d1-7c9ad71c73e6
projectIds Unique project identifiers in the Fidoo system attached to expenditure a787d2f0-f261-4618-b7d1-7c9ad71c73e6
vatBreakDownId Unique VAT breakdown identifier in the Fidoo system a787d2f0-f261-4618-b7d1-7c9ad71c73e6
taxableDate Date of taxable transaction 2022-09-17 Listed in ISO 8601 format
merchantIdentificationNumber trader’s ID number 4566544
merchantVatId Trader’s VAT number CZ4566544
merchantName Name of trader CESKE DRAHY, A.S.
merchantCategory Trader category Travel
merchantAddress Address of the trader Jecna 1
cardTransactionId Unique card transaction identifier in the Fidoo system 7fec49fb-7e1d-4d2a-9ddb-d5377040cb45
exchangeRate Exchange rate 23.4244
description Description or note More detailed information
state Status in the Fidoo system [viz poznámka] The expenditure state takes on one value from 11 changes, see below Expenditure states in Fidoo
closed Is it already closed? true / false True corresponds to a closed expenditure that will not change later.
receiptUrls Public URL link to download the receipt file https://api.fidoo.com/doc/download/FcSddkfkEEdffSSwervvf If the receipt is attached.
originalTaxDocumentNumber Original tax document number FV202103
pairingKey Mating wrench 205-23062021 1086000537810
accountingCategory Accounting categories
id Unique identifier in the Fidoo system 0aa54c71-aca4-43ba-8107-89daaf4e8fa2/td>
accountAssignment Preconfirmation It decays according to the “Pre-Contraction” table below.
code Code GLO23
name Name Drinks
state Status in the Fidoo system active / inactive / deleted The status takes one of three values; active (displayed to users), inactive (not displayed to users), or deleted (deleted from Fidoo).

Expenditure balances in Fidoo

System statusStatus in FidooStatus description
prepareOpenNew expense not yet processed or returned to the user
approveFor approvalPending approval by the first approver
approve2K 2. approvalPending approval by the second authoriser
accountantApproveTowards closureAccountant’s praise pending
personalBillClosedClosed personal billing
exportBilled toBilled and ready for new export in the accounting agenda
exportedExported byExported in the accounting agenda

Individual items of expenditure

Value Description Example of data Note
expenseItemId Unique identifier of the expenditure item in the Fidoo system 9716297e-9279-4fff-918f-b257eb520c7c
expenseId Unique expenditure identifier in the Fidoo system r6417d750-2f6a-11e9-b210-d663bd873d93
name Name Name The specified name of the expense item, e.g. Oil
amount Amount 1000 Amount of item
taxBase Amount excluding VAT (base) 950 Amount of item excluding VAT (base)
vatAmount Amount of VAT 34.81 Amount of VAT on the item
vatRate VAT rate 0.21 The VAT rate for the item, given in the range 0-1
type Type [viz poznámka] The type of expenditure is either private or corporate.
accountCode Preconfiguration code PHM
accountCredit DAL value 450
accountDebit The value HAS GIVES 320
vatAccountCode VAT code of the given pre-contraction VAT21
vatAccountCredit VAT value for DAL 20
vatAccountDebit VAT value for MÁ DÁTI 10
costCenterIds Unique identifiers of cost centres in the Fidoo system attached to the expenditure a787d2f0-f261-4618-b7d1-7c9ad71c73e6
projectIds Unique project identifiers in the Fidoo system attached to expenditure a787d2f0-f261-4618-b7d1-7c9ad71c73e6
vatBreakDownId Unique VAT breakdown identifier in the Fidoo system a787d2f0-f261-4618-b7d1-7c9ad71c73e6
accountingCategory Accounting categories
id Unique identifier in the Fidoo system 0aa54c71-aca4-43ba-8107-89daaf4e8fa2/td>
accountAssignment Preconfirmation It decays according to the “Pre-Contraction” table below.
code Code GLO23
name Name Drinks
state Status in the Fidoo system active / inactive / deleted The status takes one of three values; active (displayed to users), inactive (not displayed to users), or deleted (deleted from Fidoo).

Cash transactions

Value Description Example of data Note
transactionID Unique identifier of a cash transaction in the Fidoo system 30dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e
shortExpenseId Abbreviated expenditure identifier EX-10
user Unique identifier of the user in the Fidoo system who owns the wallet 30dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e
walletName Name of wallet Pep’s wallet
createTransactionDate Transaction creation timestamp 2022-09-17T13:28:35.382+02:00
amountOriginalCurrency Amount in original currency 100
currency Transaction currency EUR
transactionType Transaction type [viz poznámka] Expenditure status takes one value from 7 variations, see Cash transaction types
companyName Name of trader McDonald’s
address Address of the trader Ulice 1, Prague, CZ
category Trader category [viz poznámka] Expenditure status takes on one value from 23 changes, see below Merchant category
receiptUrls Public URL link to download the receipt file https://api.fidoo.com/doc/download/FcSddkfkEEdffSSwervvf If the receipt is attached.

Types of cash transactions

System status Status in the Fidoo app
expense Cash expenditure
balanceAdjustment Cash settlement
private_expense Private expenditure
withdrawal ATM withdrawal
deposit Deposit in cash
receiveCash Charging your wallet
returnCash Unloading your wallet

Honouring – news

/v2/travel/get-travel-reports /v2/travel/get-travel-requests
Value Description Example of data Note
travelRequestId Unique identifier of the travel request in the Fidoo system 27fe8798-07e3-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002 Valid only for the “/v2/travel/get-travel-requests” API call.
travelRequestShortId Abbreviated identifier of the mission request TQ-2 Valid only for the “/v2/travel/get-travel-requests” API call.
travelRequestName Name of the request for a business trip (cession) My trip to Brno Valid only for the “/v2/travel/get-travel-requests” API call.
travelReportId Unique identifier of the business trip report (receipt) in the Fidoo system 331a0bd0-0f95-11ea-8d71-362b9e155667
travelReportShortId Abbreviated identifier of the mission report (receipt) TR-1
travelReportName Name of mission report (receipt) My trip to Brno
travellerId Unique identifier of a user on a business trip in the Fidoo system 27fe8798-07e3-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
journeyType Type of business trip domestic / foreign / mixed It takes one value from three variations.
TravelReportState Status of the travel report (receipt) in Fidoo [viz poznámka] The status of an assignment takes one of the values, see below Assignment statuses – messages in the Fidoo system.
closed Is it already closed? true / false True corresponds to a closed business trip report (receipt) that will not change later.
journeyStartDate Start of a business trip 2018-09-17T13:28:35.382Z
journeyEndDate End of business trip 2018-09-17T13:28:35.382Z
journeyStartPoint Starting point of the business trip Prague
journeyEndPoint Place of end of business trip Brno
mealAllowanceCzk Refunds for meals in CZK 1000
pocketMoneyCzk Travel money in CZK 2500
carAllowanceCzk Compensation for private vehicle in CZK 3000
fuelAllowanceCzk Fuel compensation in CZK 4000
travelReportTotal Total refunds in CZK 10500
journeyNote Note on business travel I bring a marble
reportCreated Time stamp of the creation of the mission report (receipt) 2022-09-17T13:28:35.382Z
createdBy Unique identifier of the user in the Fidoo system who created the business trip report (receipt) 27fe8798-07e3-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
travelRequestId Unique identifier of the travel request in the Fidoo system 27fe8798-07e3-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002 Valid only for the “/v2/travel/get-travel-reports” API call.
travelRequestShortId Abbreviated identifier of the mission request TQ-2 Valid only for the “/v2/travel/get-travel-reports” API call.
projectId Unique project identifier in the Fidoo system 0b20bf11-9282-4a98-97e7-85b3d02daa82
costCenterId Unique cost centre identifier in the Fidoo system d4a7fbfb-0531-4ff4-81a7-cf0a3315a975
depositRequested Amount requested by the user for the business trip 2000
depositType Method of payment to the applicant for the mission cash / card / nil It takes the value of either cash or card. The value can be null.
depositCurrency Currency for business travel CZK
lastEditDateTime Time stamp of last expenditure adjustment 2022-09-17T13:28:35.382Z Listed in ISO 8601 format

Stavy cesťáků – zpráv v systému Fidoo

Systémový   stavStav v aplikaci FidooPopis stavu
prepareOtevřenáNová zpráva o cestě doposud   nezpracovaná nebo vrácená zpět uživateli
approveKe schváleníČeká se na schválení prvním   schvalovatelem
approve2K 2.schváleníČeká se na schválení druhým   schvalovatelem
accountantApproveK uzavřeníČeká se na chválení účetní
personalBill UzavřenáUzavřené osobní vyúčtování
exportVyúčtovanáVyúčtovaná a připravená pro nový   export v účetní agendě
exportedExportovanáExportovaná v účetní agendě

Cesťáky – detail

HodnotaPopisPříklad datPoznámka
tripIdUnikátní identifikátor cesty v systému Fidoo27fe8798-07e3-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
startDateDatum začátku cesty2022-09-17T13:28:35.382Z
endDateDatum konce cesty2022-09-18T13:28:35.382Z
startPointVýchozí místo cestyPrague
endPointKonečné místo cestyBrno

Personal settlement

Value Description Example of data Note
personalBillingShortId Fidoo Personal Billing Short Identifier PB-459
personalBillingName Name of personal statement From 1.4.2022
dateFrom Start date of the personal statement issued 2022-04-01
dateTo Final date of personal statement issued 2023-01-06
state Status in the Fidoo system [viz poznámka] It takes the value either open or closed.
expenseSumCzk Sum of all multi-currency expenses to be settled in CZK 500
privateExpenseSumCzk Sum of all private expenditure of multiple currencies to be settled in CZK 50
travelAllowanceSumCzk Sum of all multi-currency travel allowances to be settled in CZK 100
cashSettlementSumCzk Sum of all multi-currency cash settlements to be settled in CZK 50
giveMoneySumCzk Total amount of multiple currencies to be paid to the user in CZK 200
takeMoneySumCzk Total amount of multiple currencies to be charged to the user in CZK 300
closingDate Closing date of the settlement 2027-07-06
Value Description Example of data Note
userId Unique user identifier in the Fidoo system 30dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e If it follows closedByUser, then it is the user who closed the billing.
firstName User name Jan If it follows closedByUser, then it is the name of the user who closed the billing.
lastName Last name of the user Novak If it follows closedByUser, then it is the last name of the user who closed the billing.
employeeNumber User’s employee number AX12545 Defined by the client, filled in the user profile. If it follows closedByUser, then it is a zam. the number of the user who concluded the billing.
deactivated Is the user deactivated? true / false If it follows closedByUser, then true corresponds to the deactivated user who closed the billing.
Value Description Example of data Note
personalBillingShortId Fidoo Personal Billing Short Identifier PB-459
currency Transaction currency EUR
privateExpenseSum Sum of all private expenditure to be accounted for, aggregated by currency 200
travelAllowanceSum Sum of all travel allowances to be settled by currency 100
giveMoneySum Total amount to be paid to the user by currency 50
takeMoneySum Total amount to be charged to the user by currency 20
exchangeRateCash Exchange rate 23.4244
cashSettlementSum Sum of all cash settlements to be settled by currency 10

Fidoo account

Value Description Example of data Note
transactionID Unique identifier of a cash transaction in the Fidoo system 30dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e
transactionCreateDate Transaction creation timestamp 2022-10-15T09:38:59Z
transactionType Transaction type [viz poznámka] The expenditure status becomes, for example. card-load values.
transactionOriginalAmount Original transaction amount 1000
transactionOriginalCurrency Original transaction currency CZK It takes the value either open or closed.
transactionSettledAmount Amount of transaction posted (if already posted) -1000 This value has the opposite sign of the transactionOriginalAmount field.
transactionSettlementDate Date the transaction was posted (if already posted) 2022-10-15T09:39:032Z
cardId Unique card identifier in the Fidoo system b16d2df4-5c28-4b90-9a8a-a88c3258fa53 If it was a card transaction.
cardMaskedNumber Masked PAN card 549546******3575 If it was a card transaction.
cardEmbossName User name or name stamped on the card KAMIL BLAZEK If it was a card transaction.
transactionInitiatedUserEmail E-mail of the user who initiated the transaction jan.novak@fidoo.com For transactions of type (transactionType) card-load and card-unload.
transactionInitiatedUserName Name and surname of the user who initiated the transaction Jan Novak For transactions of type (transactionType) card-load and card-unload.
transactionNote Transaction Note Upload money to your account
clientAccountNumber The counter-account number from which the Fidoo account balance was increased or decreased. 21312312312/1234 For transactions of type (transactionType) mvc-load and mvc-unload.
variableSymbol Variable transaction symbol 123456 For transactions of type (transactionType) mvc-load and mvc-unload.
specificSymbol Specific transaction symbol 123456 For transactions of type (transactionType) mvc-load and mvc-unload.


Freight centres


ValueDescriptionExample of dataNote
codeShort identifier in the Fidoo systemNS001Fidoo abbreviated cost centre identifier
idUnique identifier in the Fidoo system07dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64eUnique identifier of the cost centre in the Fidoo system
nameNameNameName of cost centre
stateState in the Fidoo system [viz poznámka] The state of an expenditure takes one of three values; active (displayed to users), inactive (not displayed to users), or deleted (deleted from Fidoo).


Value Description Example of data Note
code Short identifier in the Fidoo system NS001 Short project identifier in Fidoo
id Unique identifier in the Fidoo system 07dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e Unique project identifier in the Fidoo system
name Name Name Project name
state Status in the Fidoo system [viz poznámka] Expense status takes one of three values; active (displayed to users), inactive (not displayed to users), or deleted (deleted from Fidoo).



ValueDescriptionExample of dataNote
idUnique identifier in the Fidoo system07dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64eUnique identifier of the preconfiguration in the Fidoo system
codeShort identifier in the Fidoo systemNS001Short identifier of the pre-contraction in the Fidoo system
nameNameNameName of the preconfiguration
descriptionDescription or noteAdvanced information
debitThe account HAS GIVEN518001
creditDAL account321000
typeType [viz poznámka] The type of the preconfiguration takes the value of either normal (preconfiguration) or vat (VAT).
stateState in the Fidoo system [viz poznámka] The state takes one of three values; active (displayed to users), inactive (not displayed to users), or deleted (deleted from Fidoo).


Value Description Example of data Note
vehicleid Unique vehicle identifier in the Fidoo system 11ca5afd-deaf-4578-97d5-5c82bffc0e99
ownerid Unique identifier of the user in the Fidoo system to whom the vehicle belongs 0f7a31d9-c2a8-43f8-99db-a3affe0f6163
brand Make of vehicle Damage
model Vehicle model Fabia
registrationNumber Registration mark (RZ) 5A2 4512
vin VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) vehicle code TMBGDM9A1KP042788
type Type [viz poznámka] The vehicle type takes one of three values; car, motorcycle or truck.
ownership Vehicle ownership private / company A vehicle can be owned either privately or by a company.
usage Use of the vehicle individual / pool The vehicle can be used either individually (by a specific user) or as a pool (shared between multiple users).
engineVolume Engine displacement of the vehicle [cm3] 1198
fuelConsumption Combined fuel consumption [l/100km] 4.6
fuelType Vehicle fuel type natural95 / super98 / diesel / electric / other The fuel type of the vehicle takes on one value out of five variations.
state Status in the Fidoo system [viz poznámka] The vehicle status is either active (displayed to users) or inactive (not displayed to users).
price Vehicle purchase price in CZK 730000 Applies to company vehicles only.
isLowEmission Low-emission vehicle true / false True corresponds to a low-emission vehicle. Applies to company vehicles only.

Breakdown of VAT

Value Description Example of data Note
id Unique identifier in the Fidoo system 07dcca40-9858-4139-9230-bb86d97cf64e Unique VAT breakdown identifier in the Fidoo system
code Short identifier in the Fidoo system NS001 Abbreviated VAT breakdown identifier in the Fidoo system
name Name Name Name of the VAT breakdown, e.g. VAT21
state Status in the Fidoo system [viz poznámka] The VAT breakdown status takes one of three values; active (displayed to users), inactive (not displayed to users), or deleted (deleted from Fidoo).


You must be a certificate holder to use the PSD2 API. You can apply for one from I.Certification Authority if you hold the relevant license issued by the Czech National Bank. Full instructions on how to start using our PSD2 API can be found athttps://psd2.fidoo.comand include:

  • Payment account information (AISP API) – Fidoo account balance, history and details of Fidoo top-ups and debits

Test data

If you are interested in a test environment, please send a request to info@fidoo.com. We will be happy to set up a Fidoo test environment that can communicate with the test API from the repository: https://api-preprod.fidoo.com/v2.

Processing of exported data

Export header descriptions

The application offers several predefined exports that can be processed in the Accounting Agenda section and transferred to accounting systems.


The downloaded file contains:

  • expense-transaction-export.xlsx– export for Excel or OpenOffice,
  • MoneyS3Export.xml – special export for Money S3,
  • xmlExport.xml– export in the general XML format,
  • receipts (image and/or PDF files).
The export contains: table

Card transactions

The downloaded file contains:

  • card-transaction-export.xlsx– export for Excel or OpenOffice,
  • card-transaction-xml-export.xml– export in general XML format.

The export contains: table

Travel reports

The downloaded file contains:

  • travel-report-export.xlsx – export for Excel or OpenOffice,
  • xmlExport.xml– export in the general XML format.

The export contains: table

Fidoo account

The downloaded file contains:

  • mvc-transaction-export.xlsx – export for Excel or OpenOffice,
  • mvc-transaction-export.xml– export in general XML format.

The export contains: table

Supporting documents for payroll

The downloaded file contains:

  • export-pro-payroll_DD-MM-YYYY_DDF-MM-YYYYY.xlsx – export for Excel or OpenOffice

The export contains: table

Cash transactions

You can download the file in the section Corporate Finance – Cash – Transactions in format tab:

  • XLSX generic
  • XML generic

The export contains: table

Fidoo Technical Specifications

Web app

  • Use Windows OS 10 and above or MacOS X and above.
  • Always have the latest web browser update.
  • Do not use Internet Explorer or an older version of MS Edge.

Mobile app

  • Use Android OS 6 and above or iOS 12 and above (lower versions will not install the app).

Safety standards

Make sure that the email addresses info@fidoo.com and noreply@fidoo.com are not blacklisted and that you can still receive email notifications from them.

View transactions

Filter and download card transactions

  1. My Finances – Cards – here you can see all the card transactions you have created.
    Transactions in Fidoo
  2. Click Set filter, set the filtering parameters, and then type Confirm filter.
    Filtering transactions
  3. Click on Download icon to download a filtered transaction report.

View transactions on the card

Transaction statuses

Blocked Transaction – the payment has been made but not yet accepted by the merchant, the blockage may last for several days.

Rejected transaction – the payment was not made for some reason (insufficient funds, wrong PIN, expired card, etc.)

Transaction FAQs

  • Check the validity of your card.
  • Make sure you enter the correct details (PIN, card number, expiry date, CVC/CVV code).
  • Make sure you have enough funds on your card.
  • Check that you are allowed the payment method you are trying to pay with.
  • If you have checked all of the above, please contact the customer service line.
  1. My Finance – Cards – Statements – here you can find all monthly statements for your card.
  2. Click on the listing and the details will be displayed on the right side of the screen.
  3. You can download the extract using the Download to pdf button .
  4. In the case of external cards, you can find the statement directly on the bank’s website.

Fidoo billing and fees

Fidoo account balance

  1. Corporate Finance Fidoo Account section – click on Fidoo Account and Card Overview.
  2. Enter the date and click on Download PDF.

Account and card overview

Frequently asked questions

Invoices can be found in the Corporate FinanceInvoices and Fees section, where you can download the invoice for the month in PDF format.

Fee statements in the Corporate FinanceInvoices and Fees section, where you can download the statement for the month in PDF format.

The invoiced amount is automatically debited from the Fidoo account at the beginning of the month following the month of invoicing. If your Fidoo account is not sufficient, you will be asked to top up your account by email.

If you have set up the generation of statements (link), you can find them in the Corporate FinanceFidoo Account section under the Statements tab.

Accounting approval

Filtering over people and items

The app allows you to filter the data using the Set Filter button, which you can always find in the middle of the screen at the top in the following sections:

User filter: section SettingsPeople
Expenditure filter: section Corporate FinanceExpenditure
Card filter: section Corporate FinanceCards – tab Information about the cards
Card Transaction Filter: section Corporate FinanceCards – tab Transactions
Filter wallet currencies and view cash balance to date: section Corporate financeCash – tab Wallets
Cash transaction filter: section Corporate financeCash – tab Transactions
Filter travel requests: section Corporate FinanceTreasures – bookmark Applications
Filter messages for business trips: Corporate FinanceTreasures – bookmark News
Fidoo account transaction filter: section Corporate finance – tab Transactions
Vehicle filter: section SettingsVehicles and display of cash on hand

Editing and approval of items


  1. Corporate Finance Expenses – click on the expense you want to edit/approve and select Edit.
  2. Complete/edit the necessary fields and select Save or Close Expense (depending on the current status of the expense).

Travel reports

  1. Corporate Finance Honours Reports tab – select the report you want to edit/approve.
  2. Click Edit message (top right).
  3. Fill in/edit the necessary fields and select Save or Close message (depending on the current status of the message to the receipt).

Personal settlement

Closing an item as private

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Check the expenses that are to be private (box to the right of the expense).
  3. Click on Settings icon (bottom right) and select Close Expenses as Private.
  4. Confirm by clicking Close as private.

Carry forward to the next accounting period

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Tick the items you want to move (box to the right of the expense).
  3. Click on Settings icon (bottom right) and select Move to next period.

Reversal of an item carried forward to the next accounting period

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Scroll all the way down or click the Moved to next period tab.
  3. Select View and click to return the expense to the current accounting period.

Enforced closure of expenses and assignments

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Tick the items you want to close and select Close selected items (bottom right).
  3. Confirm with the Close button , including the unapproved ones.

Reopening a closed item

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Find the item you want to reopen and click .

Cash settlement

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Scroll down or click on the Cash tab.
  3. Enter the date and select Align All.

or click on , enter the amount and date and select Settle.

Cash settlement

If the Accountant uses cash reconciliation for the employee and his/her wallet, then this wallet is reset on the employee’s side in Fidoo (this reconciliation is visible in the cash wallet as an entry, as well as in the employee’s Personal Statement). At the same time, this settlement will be reflected in the Export for Wages.

Settlement of cash expenditure

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Scroll down or click on the Cash expenditures tab.
  3. Tick the expenses to be offset (box to the right of the expense).
  4. Click on :trojrypák: (bottom right) and select Balance expenses.
  5. Confirm with the Align button.

The balanced expenditure can be found in the Wallet Settlement Summary. Here you also have the option to undo the expense settlement by clicking on :sipka_zpet_zelena:. It is possible to return the expenses individually – each balanced expense is listed here on a separate line.

Click on Reconcile to reconcile the expenditure in the amount on the date specified.

Conclusion of personal settlement

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Check that all items are in the Closed state.
  3. Select Close entire settlement (top right) and confirm with the Close settlement button.

Closure of the entire settlement

Closure of personal accounts without approved items

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Check that all items are in the state you want.
  3. Select Close entire settlement (top right).
    The application will notify you how many pending items will be automatically carried forward to the next accounting period.
  4. Select Close billing.

Bulk closing of personal accounts without items

  1. Section
    Accounting agenda – Personal accounts
  2. Click on Set filter, check Open and Without items and select Filter.
  3. Tick the first Personal Billing and then press and hold Shift to tick the last billing (the billing will be marked in bulk).
  4. Choose Close blank bills.

Export of personal accounts

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the Personal accounts you want to export.
  2. Click on Settings icon (top right) and select Download PDF.

Exporting bills to PDF

Export receipts for personal billing

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the Personal accounts you want to export.
  2. Click on Settings icon (top right) and select Export receipts.

Description of individual expenditure balances:

Company settings

Fidoo account settings

  1. Section SettingsCompanyFidoo account.
  2. In the Generate automatic statements box, click Change settings.
    Generating statements
  3. Click on
    Options switch
    to turn on the settings option.
  4. Select the format, frequency and method of sending and Confirm.

Setting up invoice sending

  1. Section
    Settings – Company – Billing
  2. Click to activate/deactivate sending invoices by e-mail
  3. Select who will receive the invoice by email by ticking the key role, selecting a user or entering an address and Save your changes.

Setting up personal billing

  1. Section Settings – Company – Personal billing.
  2. Select the frequency of personal billing and Save.

Setting up personal billing

Statements will be sent to you according to the method you have chosen and will also be saved in the application in the Corporate FinanceFidoo AccountStatements tab.

Setting up cession keys

Setting the meal allowance

The meal allowance rates listed in the application are set according to the Labour Code. However, you can adjust them higher as follows:

  1. Section SettingsCredits MealsCreate new (top right).
    Meal allowance rates
  2. Write the name and select the validity, add the new domestic meal allowance rates.

    You can adjust the foreign meal allowance:
    a) Bulk – enter the percentage of the meal allowance and select Recalculate.
    b) Individually – in the search window, type the country for which you want to adjust the meal allowance and change the rate for the selected country.

  3. Save.

Setting your pocket money for a trip abroad

  1. Settings Honours Pocket Money – activate Pocket Money in the system (top right).
  2. Choose to calculate your pocket money before or after the reduction of foreign diets.
  3. Enter the percentage of your pocket money and select Recalculate.
  4. Save.