Save time with our API
Thanks to the our API, you can easily transfer your data to the Fidoo app, or download it directly from the app directly into the company system. Immediately and without further login.
You will check all card transactions
You have an overview of all users of the Fidoo app
You set the parameters and see the balances of the Fidoo cards
You add a new user and order new cards
You recharge and withdraw personal and team cards
You see all issued Fidoo cards
Connection to Fidoo using API
The Fidoo public API provides comprehensive information about the data that is contained in the Fidoo cloud app and can be distributed and exchanged with any system thanks to this API. Současná verze Fidoo API je umístěna na a najdete v ní vše, co aktuálně umíme.
How to get access to the Public API and your data in Fidoo?
To access data via the public API, you need to obtain an API key. This can be generated by the master administrator in the Fidoo application.
See the instructions for how to do this:
Fidoo API and its settings
Individual Public API calls
You can find everything we can do at Fidoo and what it looks like directly on
. Here you can simulate individual operations and also read all the necessary information.
Detailed API specification can be found here:
API specification