
Transaction listing does not match

Fidoo only includes transactions that have cleared in the statement. It may therefore happen that a transaction made at the end of the month will be included in the following month’s statement. You can find these blocked transactions using the following filter:

  1. Section Corporate Finance Cards – Transactions tab.
  2. Click Set up filter, select the period and check Blocked only or other parameters and enter Confirm filter.

Blocked transactions will appear in the list on the left side of the screen and you can download them using the button Download icon

Blocked transaction means money blocked on the card, i.e. waiting to be cleared by the merchant. The speed of payment settlement is determined, for example, by the merchant’s payment system settings, the amount the customer spends, or the type of terminal through which the payment is made. The amount may also change (for example, due to a change in the exchange rate). For this reason, we recommend that you do not account for these transactions and deal with them after they have been cleared by the merchant.

Travel guide

Creating a logbook export

  1. Section Accounting agenda – Journey book
  2. Use the arrows above the list of vehicles to select the month, you can specify the export request by setting the filter.
  3. Download using the button

    , select the format and then click Export.

Export expenditure

Creating an export of expenses

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of expenses.
  2. Select Set up filter (right), enter the necessary data and confirm by clicking Filter expenses.
  3. Click Export (bottom right), fill in the name and select Create Export.

Withdrawal of export expenditure

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of expenses.
  2. Click on the export you want to download and type Download data.

Deleting the export of expenses

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of expenses.
  2. Click on the export you want to delete, type Delete and confirm with the Delete button.

FAQs on exporting expenses

  1. In My/Corporate Finance → Expenses.
  2. Click the Export Expenses arrow button and select With receipts.
  3. A zip file containing the receipts in the format in which they were added to the application is downloaded to your computer.

Keep in mind that the filter settings will affect what data (and receipts) will be downloaded.

Exporting card transactions

Creating an export of card transactions

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of card transactions.
  2. Select the period (top right) and enter Export.
  3. Fill in the name and select Create export.

Withdrawal of card transaction export

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of card transactions.
  2. Click on the export you want to download and type Download data.

Deleting the export of card transactions

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of card transactions.
  2. Click on the export you want to delete, type Delete and confirm with the Delete button.

Card Transaction Export FAQs

Since the wallet is always one for one currency and employee, you can just use transaction filtering by currency. You can find it in My/Corporate Finance → Cash under the Transactions tab.

Exporting the cessionals

Creating an export of receipts

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of receipts.
  2. Select the period (top right) and enter Export.
  3. Fill in the name and select Create export.

Withdrawal of export of assignments

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of receipts.
  2. Click on the export you want to download and type Download data.

Deleting export of assignments

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of receipts.
  2. Click on the export you want to delete, type Delete and confirm with the Delete button.

Export Fidoo account

Creating a Fidoo account export

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export Fidoo account.
  2. Select the period (top right) and enter Export.
  3. Fill in the name and select Create export.

Download the Fidoo account export

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export Fidoo account.
  2. Click on the export you want to download and type Download data.

Deleting a Fidoo account export

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export Fidoo account.
  2. Click on the export you want to delete, type Delete and confirm with the Delete button.