Personal settlement

Closing an item as private

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Check the expenses that are to be private (box to the right of the expense).
  3. Click on Settings icon (bottom right) and select Close Expenses as Private.
  4. Confirm by clicking Close as private.

Carry forward to the next accounting period

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Tick the items you want to move (box to the right of the expense).
  3. Click on Settings icon (bottom right) and select Move to next period.

Reversal of an item carried forward to the next accounting period

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Scroll all the way down or click the Moved to next period tab.
  3. Select View and click to return the expense to the current accounting period.

Enforced closure of expenses and assignments

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Tick the items you want to close and select Close selected items (bottom right).
  3. Confirm with the Close button , including the unapproved ones.

Reopening a closed item

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Find the item you want to reopen and click .

Cash settlement

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Scroll down or click on the Cash tab.
  3. Enter the date and select Align All.

or click on , enter the amount and date and select Settle.

Cash settlement

If the Accountant uses cash reconciliation for the employee and his/her wallet, then this wallet is reset on the employee’s side in Fidoo (this reconciliation is visible in the cash wallet as an entry, as well as in the employee’s Personal Statement). At the same time, this settlement will be reflected in the Export for Wages.

Settlement of cash expenditure

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Scroll down or click on the Cash expenditures tab.
  3. Tick the expenses to be offset (box to the right of the expense).
  4. Click on :trojrypák: (bottom right) and select Balance expenses.
  5. Confirm with the Align button.

The balanced expenditure can be found in the Wallet Settlement Summary. Here you also have the option to undo the expense settlement by clicking on :sipka_zpet_zelena:. It is possible to return the expenses individually – each balanced expense is listed here on a separate line.

Click on Reconcile to reconcile the expenditure in the amount on the date specified.

Conclusion of personal settlement

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Check that all items are in the Closed state.
  3. Select Close entire settlement (top right) and confirm with the Close settlement button.

Closure of the entire settlement

Closure of personal accounts without approved items

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Check that all items are in the state you want.
  3. Select Close entire settlement (top right).
    The application will notify you how many pending items will be automatically carried forward to the next accounting period.
  4. Select Close billing.

Bulk closing of personal accounts without items

  1. Section
    Accounting agenda – Personal accounts
  2. Click on Set filter, check Open and Without items and select Filter.
  3. Tick the first Personal Billing and then press and hold Shift to tick the last billing (the billing will be marked in bulk).
  4. Choose Close blank bills.

Export of personal accounts

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the Personal accounts you want to export.
  2. Click on Settings icon (top right) and select Download PDF.

Exporting bills to PDF

Export receipts for personal billing

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the Personal accounts you want to export.
  2. Click on Settings icon (top right) and select Export receipts.

Description of individual expenditure balances:

Fidoo billing and fees

Fidoo account balance

  1. Corporate Finance Fidoo Account section – click on Fidoo Account and Card Overview.
  2. Enter the date and click on Download PDF.

Account and card overview

Frequently asked questions

Invoices can be found in the Corporate FinanceInvoices and Fees section, where you can download the invoice for the month in PDF format.

Fee statements in the Corporate FinanceInvoices and Fees section, where you can download the statement for the month in PDF format.

The invoiced amount is automatically debited from the Fidoo account at the beginning of the month following the month of invoicing. If your Fidoo account is not sufficient, you will be asked to top up your account by email.

If you have set up the generation of statements (link), you can find them in the Corporate FinanceFidoo Account section under the Statements tab.