Add a card to your Apple Wallet

  1. Launch the Apple Wallet app on your device (Apple Wallet) :apple_wallet:.
  2. In the Wallet app, click


  3. Tap Debit or credit card to add a Fidoo card.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Follow the on-screen procedure to add a new card.
  6. If you have an Apple Watch paired, you’ll get the option to add the card to your watch at the same time.

For more detailed information on setting up Apple Pay, follow this link.

Displaying data about the digitisation of the Fidoo card

In the Fidoo web application, you can find information about the digitisation of the Fidoo card in the Cards section – Card Information tab in the details of the selected card:

Information about digitised cards is not available in the Fidoo mobile app. But you’ll find them in Apple Wallet on your device.

Conditions for digitising your Fidoo card

    • The physical Fidoo card must be:

      • personal (not team)

      • Active

    • The Fidoo card insertion device must:

      • support NFC

      • screen lock to be set on it – the phone unlocks after authentication (Face ID, Touch ID, PIN)

      • be iPhone with Face ID, iPhone models with Touch ID except iPhone 5S or iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad and iPad mini with Touch ID or Face ID, or Apple Watch Series 1 and later

      • have iOS 14 and above to insert the card directly from the Fidoo mobile app

      • contain max. 10 digitised cards

Frequently asked questions

The Team Card cannot be used with Apple Pay. Only the personal Fidoo card can be digitised.

Yes, you can conveniently pay with your Fidoo card through this watch.

Add a personal card to Google Wallet

  1. Launch the Google Wallet app on your device (Google Wallet) .
  2. Click Add to Wallet at the bottom.
  3. Click on Payment Card (you will see all the cards stored under your Google account).
  4. Click on New credit or debit card (you can add a card using the camera or enter the card details manually).
  5. Confirm your choice by clicking Save at the bottom.
  6. After reading the publisher’s terms and conditions, select Accept.
  7. If you are asked to verify your payment method, select your preferred authentication option from the list.
  8. You will then receive a message and email notification that your card has been added and you can make contactless payments in stores, online and in apps where Google Pay is supported

Displaying data about the digitisation of the Fidoo card

In the Fidoo web application, you can find information about the digitisation of the Fidoo card in the Cards section – Card Information tab in the details of the selected card:

Information about digitised cards is not available in the Fidoo mobile app. But you’ll find them in the Google Pay mobile wallet on your device.

Conditions for digitising your Fidoo card

The physical Fidoo card must be:

    • personal (not team)
    • Active

The Fidoo card insertion device must:

    • support NFC
    • have a screen lock set on it – the phone will unlock after authentication (fingerprint, gesture, PIN, etc.)
    • Android 7 and above
    • contain less than 20 digitised cards

Frequently asked questions

The Team Card cannot be inserted into Google Pay. Only the personal Fidoo card can be digitised.

Yes, Google Pay is also available for Fitbit wristbands. So you can conveniently pay with your Fidoo card via this bracelet.

How to make the cash register work

In order to use the cashier in Fidoo, you first need to assign one of the users to the role of cashier. The role of treasurer can be specified by the person listed as the statutory representative or chief administrator in the application, in the section: Settings – Company – Key roles.

By launching the cashier, you can manage the cash wallets of individual users of the application, both in Czech crowns and in other currencies.

Recharge and discharge your wallet

Wallet top-up (cash withdrawal)

Web app

  1. Corporate FinanceCash – select Charge Wallet.
  2. Select the user, fill in the required fields and attach the cash receipt and select Charge.

Mobile applications

  1. Bottom menu –
    – select the tab
  2. Click on or and select
  3. Take a photo of the cash receipt, fill in the necessary details and

Unloading your wallet (receiving cash)

Web app

  1. Corporate FinanceCash – select Unload Wallet.
  2. Select the user, fill in the required fields and attach the cash receipt and select Withdraw.

Mobile app

  1. Bottom menu –
    – select the tab
  2. Click or minus and select
  3. Take a photo of the cash receipt, fill in the necessary details and

Frequently asked questions about the web or mobile application

Already created card game transaction cannot be deleted, so it is necessary to create another “correction” entry.

Example: we wanted to top up CZK 1,000 to a user, but we accidentally entered CZK 10,000. So we create a “correction” cash transaction and debit the wallet by CZK 9,000.

From 7. 12. In 2021, only the web interface can be used for charging via phone; in the future, this function will be part of the mobile app.

Yes, you can work with all currencies around the world.

Accounting for individual actions in Fidoo

Just like you, other clients are struggling with how to account for Fidoo. That’s why we’ve put together their experiences and it’s up to you and your needs which path you choose.

Fidoo as a bank account

Fidoo as a backup

Fidoo as a cash register


Expenses made with the KB card


Návody na integrace – Money S3 export Karetních transakcí

Příprava a nastavení na straně Fidoo

Ve Fidoo aplikaci je potřeba provést následující nastavení.

  1. Přesvědčte se, že máte Exportní formát pro Money S3 zapnutý a aktivní, případně jej zapněte.
    (NastaveníIntegraceMoney S3).
  2. Nastavte si zkratku bankovního účtu shodně tak, jak je máte označené v Money S3.

    TIP: Pokud si nastavíte stejnou zkratku bankovního účtu v části “Karetní transakce” a zároveň v části “Transakce na Fidoo účtu”, budou se vám transakce z obou částí Fidoo importovat do stejné banky v Money S3 a vy na tomto bankovním účtu v Money S3 uvidíte přehled a stav, kolik máte finančních prostředků celkem ve Fidoo (tj. na Fidoo účtu i na kartách).

    Pokud si v Money S3 založíte 2 bankovní účty, zkratku jednoho z nich vyplníte zde v nastavení do sekce Karetní transakce a zkratku druhého do části Transakce na Fidoo účtu, tak docílíte toho, že Money S3 povedete zvlášť přehled finančních prostředků a pohybů na kartách a zvlášť na Fidoo účtu (NastaveníIntegraceMoney S3).

Příprava a nastavení na straně Money S3

V Money S3 aplikaci je potřeba provést zejména následující nastavení konfigurace zpracování:

  • Při importu je potřeba zadat typ dokladu pro příjmy i výdaje
  • Typ dokladu by měl mít min. tyto parametry:
  • Číselnou řadu
  • Předkontaci v případě potřeby zaúčtování
  • Členění DPH v případě potřeby zaúčtování

Nastavení provedete tak, že projdete celý proces importu, a při prvním průchodu nastavíte všechny potřebné parametry. Při dalších importech už využijete nastavené konfigurace.

Varianta bez modulu XML DE Profi 

  1. V sekci Bankovní doklady zvolte volbu XML PřenosyImport z XML.
  2. Zvolte Výběr nastavení a dále  _BD (bankovní doklady). Potvrďte tlačítkem Další.
  3. Přes zvolte soubor, který chcete importovat.

  4. Nyní si nastavte na typu příjmového dokladu číselnou řadu, členění DPH a předkontace.  Zvolte si typ příjmového dokladu pro importované transakce tlačítkem a výběrem typu Banka příjem.

  5. Při zvoleném typu dokladu Banka příjem zvolte tlačítko Opravit

  6. V nastavení si zkontrolujte, případně doplňte Banku, Předkontaci, Členění DPH a Číselnou řadu, které se mají použít pro importované karetní transakce.  
    Pole banka můžete nechat nevyplněné a importované transakce se budou automaticky přiřazovat do té banky, která je vyplněna v nastavení Fidoo v poli pro zkratku banky (viz Příprava a nastavení na straně Fidoo). 
    Zkratka banky nastavená na straně Fidoo se musí shodovat se zkratkou banky nastavené na straně Money S3. 

  7. Nastavení potvrďte zeleným tlačítkem OK.

  8. Nyní to samé nastavení, jako jste provedli na příjmovém dokladu, provedete i na výdajovém dokladu. 
    Zvolte si typ výdajového dokladu pro importované transakce tlačítkem  a výběrem typu Banka výdej

  9. Zde si buď upravte jeden z existujících dokladů nebo si vytvořte nový.

  10. V případě nového typu dokladu zvolte název a zkratku a v nastavení si opět zkontrolujte, případně doplňte Banku, Předkontaci, Členění DPH a Číselnou řadu, které se mají použít pro importované karetní transakce.  
    Pole banka může zůstat nevyplněné a importované transakce se budou automaticky přiřazovat do té banky, která je vyplněna v nastavení Fidoo v poli pro zkratku banky (viz Příprava a nastavení na straně Fidoo). 
    Zkratka banky nastavená na straně Fidoo se musí shodovat se zkratkou banky nastavené na straně Money S3. 

  11. Nastavení potvrďte tlačítkem OK a zvolený (nový) typ dokladu potvrďte také zeleným OK.

  12. Nezapomeňte si zaškrtnout dávkové zpracování, abyste nemuseli každý importovaný bankovní doklad ručně odklikávat a potvrďte tlačítkem Dokončit

  13. Po potvrzení se spustí import transakcí. Nastavení, které jste provedli, vám už zůstane připravené pro příště. 

    Import karetních transakcí do bankovních dokladů s prvotním nastavením konfigurace je hotov.

Varianta s modulem XML DE Profi 

Pokud máte zakoupený a zprovozněný modul XML DE Profi v Money S3, tak si můžete při importu vytvořit a uložit vlastní pokročilou konfiguraci zpracování importu, která vám bude během importu transakce např. rovnou párovat na příslušné přijaté faktury nebo závazkové dokumenty. 

Nastavení opět provedete prvotním průchodem celého importního procesu, při kterém provedete i prvotní nastavení.  

  1. V sekci Bankovní doklady zvolte volbu Import z XML.
  2. Zvolte Výběr nastavení a dále  _BD (bankovní doklady). Pokračujte tlačítkem vedle “výběru nastavení” do editace konfigurace položky _BD (bankovní doklady).
  3. V editaci konfigurace zpracování _BD (bankovní doklady) vytvořte vlastní konfiguraci zpracování tím, že vytvoříte kopii stávající konfigurace a uložíte si jí jako naší novou konfiguraci zpracování bankovních dokladů s novým názvem a značkou.

  4. Následně si v této vlastní konfiguraci zpracování můžete nastavit svá vlastní pravidla, která se při importu použijí včetně např. automatického párování rovnou při importu.

  5. Podobným způsobem si zde nastavíte i číselné řady, předkontace, členění DPH, případně další parametry, které se mají použít při importu.

Export z Fidoo

Exportovat transakce lze ve Fidoo na dvou místech. 
1. Nad jakýmkoliv seznamem transakcí (např. Moje FinanceKartyTransakce).
2. V účetní agendě v části Export karetních transakcí.

Rozdíl mezi těmito dvěma variantami je v tom, že v účetní agendě se při exportu aplikují kontroly
zamezující vyexportovat transakce duplicitně a vyexportovat transakce, které nejsou ještě zúčtovány (tj. jsou ve stavu “blokace”).
Na rozdíl od toho nad běžným seznamem karetních transakcí kdekoliv v aplikaci (mimo účetní agendu) se žádné kontroly neaplikují a lze proto vyexportovat libovolnou skupinu transakcí dle preferencí nastavených ve filtru.

Export z Fidoo nad seznamem karetních transakcí 

  1. Ve Fidoo aplikaci jděte nad jakýkoliv seznam transakcí na kartě
    (Moje FinanceKartyTransakce)
    (Týmové financeKartyTransakce)
    (Firemní FinanceKartyTransakce)

  2. Vyfiltrujte si období nebo jiné omezující podmínky pro váš export                                                     (Firemní Finance / Týmové finance / Moje finance – KartyTransakce)

  3. Nad vyfiltrovaným seznamem transakcí na kartách zvolte volbu Export 
    (Firemní Finance / Týmové Finance / Moje FinanceKartyTransakce).

  4. Vyberte Specifický exportní formát Money S3 a výběr potvrďte zeleným tlačítkem Exportovat
    (Firemní Finance / Týmové Finance / Moje FinanceKartyTransakce).

    Vytvoří se exportní soubor a uloží se vám do počítače.

Export z Fidoo z Účetní agendy

Fidoo zde hlídá všechny provedené exporty v rámci účetní agendy a snaží se předejít duplicitám při exportu. K exportu jsou zde nabízeny pouze transakce, které ještě dříve nebyly exportovány a zároveň už jsou bankou zúčtovány.

  1. Ve Fidoo aplikaci jděte do části Účetní agenda a zde zvolte Export transakcí na kartě. 
  2. Zkontrolujte si období, za které budete provádět export. Výchozí hodnoty jsou zde nastaveny na datum nejstarší a nejnovější transakce, která ještě nebyla vyexportována. (Doporučujeme neměnit). Zkontrolujte počet transakcí, které se chystáte vyexportovat a proces exportu započněte zeleným tlačítkem Exportovat.
  3. Zvolte si název exportního souboru. Budete se moci k němu později opakovaně ve Fidoo vracet.
  4. Ve vytvořeném exportu zvolte černé tlačítko Stáhnout data.
  5. Stáhne se Vám zazipovaný balík obsahující exportní soubory transakcí na kartách ve všech
    dostupných/aktivních exportních formátech, které máte k dispozici.
    Z balíku si rozbalte soubor s formátem dat pro Money S3 a uložte si ho na disk počítače, kde ho
    později budete schopni najít.

    Export karetních transakcí je hotov.

Import do Money S3

  1. V sekci Bankovní doklady zvolte volbu Import z XML.
  2. Zvolte Výběr nastavení a dále _BD (bankovní doklady) a potvrďte tlačítkem Další.

  3. Výběr vstupního souboru zahajte tlačítkem a vyberte soubor vyexportovaný z Fidoo. 

  4. Zkontrolujte, že máte správně vybrané typy dokladů pro příjem a výdej, které jste si dříve nakonfigurovali, případně je zvolte a vyberte.  
    (Pozn. Jak nastavit parametry dokladů pro příjem a výdej – viz část Příprava a nastavení na straně Money S3.)  
    Nezapomeňte si zaškrtnout dávkové zpracování, abyste nemuseli každý importovaný bankovní doklad ručně odklikávat a potvrďte tlačítkem Dokončit
  5. Naimportují se transakce na kartách z Fidoo a vy je uvidíte v Money S3 jako bankovní doklady. 

    Import karetních transakcí do bankovních dokladů je hotov.

Frequently asked questions

Fidoo and Komerční banka FAQ

For the entire corporate expense portion of the bill, yes. Some functions in the Fidoo app, however, are not available for KB cards (e.g. balance display, card PIN, blocking option, etc.). You can manage and set up these actions in Komerční banka’s internet banking.

In the expense detail, you will see “Paid by external card” in the upper corner.

Yes, just go back to SettingsCompanyKomerční banka. On the Linked Accounts tab, you can disconnect the account.
If an expense has already been made with the KB card in Fidoo, the account cannot be disconnected.
You must either cancel the entire registration between KB and Fidoo or disconnect individual cards from Fidoo users.

You must first create a user. You can do this in Settings – People. Once you create a user, they will automatically appear in the list of users you can link your KB card to.

You don’t have to – that’s up to you. If you also need to use cards that can be used flexibly and securely to distribute funds around the company, then Fidoo cards are the right choice. If you prefer cards that have the entire company account with all funds at your disposal, then KB cards are a better choice. Both Fidoo and KB cards can be used to pay in shops.

If the connection between Fidoo and KB is not working and you are not seeing the expenses from your KB card payments loaded into Fidoo, there are basically three different reasons for this:

  1. Fidoo is not registered to access your KB account.
  2. You have no KB bank account connected to Fidoo.
  3. KB cards are not associated with Fidoo.

In theKB connection settings, red exclamation marks indicate which of these options is currently wrong and deserves your attention.

P.S. We remind you that to connect you must be a Fidoo user with the appropriate permissions, and you must have a bank account and access rights to it.

The account cannot be linked for the following possible reasons:

  • you have entered an incorrect account number or prefix,
  • you entered the wrong currency,
  • the account is not authorised in KB banking. To authorise, disconnect Fidoo from KB, re-register and set up the accounts you want to use in Fidoo in the first step.

So far, we have only established cooperation with Komerční banka and other banks cannot be connected in this comfortable way.

We currently synchronise data every 10 minutes and therefore delays may occur. We are working hard to reduce this time lag.

If you have a properly connected KB account to Fidoo, then in the settings(Settings -> Company -> Komerční banka) the tab “Linked accounts” is marked with a green iconwhere you see a number withof your KB account with the number of cards issued for this account. If is the number of cards is 0, it means that you have no card issued for your KB bank account and you need to apply for one at KB.

One bank account can be linked to multiple companies. But we don’t recommend it. If you are the main administrator for multiple companies in your group, it is important to be careful in which Fidoo account you set up the KB link. If you accidentally set up a link for another company, then you need to cancel the link. You will then switch to the correct Fidoo account where the KB account belongs and start the process again.

Contact your main administrator. Probably the binding between the KB card and the Fidoo user has been incorrectly set. Ask your main administrator to disconnect you as a user from a KB bank card that you do not own. Either ignore the expense created or send it for approval with a note that it is an expense that was mistakenly assigned to you.

No, such expenditure cannot be deleted. Consult with your accountant and, as advised by your accountant, either ignore the expense or send it for approval with a note that it is an unauthorized expense created by misuse of your credit card.

Such expenditure in Fidoo will remain and need to be to be approved and bill. They can also be exported. No further new expenditure will be incurred after the disconnection.

Yes, even after disconnecting the KB account, all previously incurred expenses remain in Fidoo and need to be approved and accounted for.

Yes, you can cancel and re-register, where you can select additional KB accounts or add a newly created KB account that was not available when you opened it.

Once a specific KB card is successfully linked to a designated Fidoo user, each payment made with that KB card will automatically generate an expense in Fidoo belonging to that user. In addition to the card payment expenses, Fidoo will start recording all ATM withdrawals and deposits associated with the respective KB card in the user’s wallet. Backloading of expenses before setup is not possible.

The KB payment card should be correctly assigned in Fidoo to the Fidoo user who is the actual owner of the KB card. This KB cardholder must also have a user account in Fidoo.

The connection between the KB card and the Fidoo user is set by the main administrator.

Yes, she should. However, we cannot check the correctness of this assignment in Fidoo. Therefore, your Fidoo master administrator needs to be really careful about the correct assignment.

All types of KB bank accounts can be linked to Fidoo.
When you register Fidoo with KB, you’ll see what all of your accounts can be connected to Fidoo. All accounts you want to connect to Fidoo must be marked in this step. (For simplicity, we recommend that you always mark all KB accounts offered here).

Any currency can be linked to Fidoo, depending on the KB account settings.

One company can be connected to one banking entity with which it works.

No, it’s not. You can connect an unlimited number of KB accounts within one company.

Yes, if you have granted Fidoo access to this additional account when you registered, you can simply connect the additional account under the “connected accounts” tab using the “Link additional account” button.
If you have not yet confirmed access to this additional account with the Fidoo application (e.g. it is a new account), you must first disconnect the entire connection to KB and go through the entire Fidoo registration to KB again.

Yes, if you have granted Fidoo access to this additional account when you registered, you can simply connect the additional account under the “connected accounts” tab using the “Link additional account” button.
If you have not yet confirmed access to this additional account with the Fidoo application (e.g. it is a new account), you must first disconnect the entire connection to KB and go through the entire Fidoo registration to KB again.

If you disconnect a card from a user in Fidoo, the card will stop flowing expenses to Fidoo when you make a payment.
Expenses created from payments made before disconnection are not lost, they remain with the user.
You can add unlimited KB cards to a single user in Fidoo.

Yes, newly created KB cards will automatically appear in the section Connecting with Komerční banka on the Cards tab. Here they will wait to be connected.
So if you make a new card in KB, have your main administrator also connect it to your user account in Fidoo. If you no longer use the original old card, leave it with your main user account. Disconnect again by the administrator.

Yes. KB cards unlimited, Fidoo cards maximum 5 per user.

No, you can only view your KB card, set up your KB card, and view transactions and statements in KB’s online banking service, My Bank.
Exclusively for the purpose of setting up the linking of KB cards to Fidoo users, the list of KB cards is available in the Linking with Komerční banka section on the Cards tab.

Financial Administrator, Chief Administrator, accountant and statutory officer. However, you need to have your KB login details.

To do this, you must be a financial administrator, chief administrator, accountant or statutory officer in Fidoo and have the authority to access your corporate account with KB using at least one of the possible authentication methods (e.g. using a KB key).

The most likely cause is that your KB card is not linked to your Fidoo account in your Fidoo settings. Contact your head of the company. administrator to fix the settings.

Cash withdrawals and deposits to and from the ATM are displayed in Fidoo in your wallet (Menu – Cash), which shows the current amount of company cash you have on you.

No, it doesn’t. The way you have been entering information about KB card transactions from your bank statement into your accounting system (whether you have been doing it manually, automatically, by import or otherwise) will continue unchanged. From Fidoo, you will receive an invoice or a commitment document for these transactions, which you can pair with the transactions (or bank documents) from KB.

If you do not see a specific account there, please contact our Customer Care Centre by email or by phone +420 290 290 290. The connection to the KB account will then be enabled through our colleagues and will be operational within a few days.

You have nothing to worry about. While we have access to data on the movements of the accounts you have consented to when you registered, and a list of the cards associated with it, our KB API connection does not allow any active operations on our part, we only have the ability to read. We do not obtain any sensitive data such as full card number, CVV, etc., nor are we technically able to access it.

After your consent, we will obtain the so-called. refresh token, a unique key that allows us to retrieve information about account movements and associate them with cards. The token is valid for one year, and you as a client can withdraw your consent at any time.

The card must first be activated before you can connect users to it in Fidoo.

Linking to KB account

Linking accounts

  1. Section SettingsCompanyKomerční banka – tab Linked accounts. The first time you register you will be directed directly to this section.
  2. Click Link another account.
  3. Enter your bank account details and select Link account.

  4. You will see a confirmation that the account has been successfully linked. To add another account, repeat the action.

Edit or disconnect your account

  1. Section SettingsCompany Komerční banka – tab Linked accounts.
  2. For the account you want to edit or disconnect, select Edit.
  3. Make your changes and Save, or select Disconnect Account and confirm again with the Disconnect Account button.

Fidoo Cards FAQ

If you wish to cancel the card you have just ordered, you can do so by blocking the card no later than 21:00 on the day you ordered it. This card will not go into production. Contact the Client Care Centre for a refund of the card production fee.

This is an auxiliary identifier that only appears in the application and the expense report. This element will not be embossed on the card and can be changed at any time. This is often the case, for example. employee number or vehicle registration number.

A card manager is a user who can pass a team card to another user in the application. At the same time, they can see in Team Finance → Cards → Transactions all the movements on the managed card and which person made the transaction. You can also lock or block the card at any time and set its parameters

The card approver approves or denies requests to load the card. The administrator can modify the card (change its settings, modify the automatic recharge scheme and limits). The cardholder is the only one who can physically handle the card – pay (even online) or view the PIN.

You cannot set a daily limit on the card within the app, it is determined by the amount loaded on the Fidoo card.

Top-up funds are on the card immediately after top-up (if you have sufficient funds in your Fidoo account). The withdrawal is made immediately back to your Fidoo account.

Connection to KB cards

Linking cards

  1. Section SettingsCompanyKomerční banka – tab Cards.
  2. For the card you want to link to the user, select Link.

  3. Select a user from the list and select Link.

  4. The connection was successful if the Loading expenses (top right) turns green.

Change KB card user

  1. Section SettingsCompany Komerční banka – tab Cards.
  2. On the tab where you want to change the user, select Edit.
  3. Select another user from the list and select Change.

Deleting a KB card user

  1. Section SettingsCompany Komerční banka – tab Cards.
  2. On the tab where you want to delete the user, select Edit.
  3. Type Disconnect user and confirm again with the Disconnect user button.

Fidoo Cards FAQ

If you wish to cancel the card you have just ordered, you can do so by blocking the card no later than 21:00 on the day you ordered it. This card will not go into production. Contact the Client Care Centre for a refund of the card production fee.

This is an auxiliary identifier that only appears in the application and the expense report. This element will not be embossed on the card and can be changed at any time. This is often the case, for example. employee number or vehicle registration number.

A card manager is a user who can pass a team card to another user in the application. At the same time, they can see in Team Finance → Cards → Transactions all the movements on the managed card and which person made the transaction. You can also lock or block the card at any time and set its parameters

The card approver approves or denies requests to load the card. The administrator can modify the card (change its settings, modify the automatic recharge scheme and limits). The cardholder is the only one who can physically handle the card – pay (even online) or view the PIN.

You cannot set a daily limit on the card within the app, it is determined by the amount loaded on the Fidoo card.

Top-up funds are on the card immediately after top-up (if you have sufficient funds in your Fidoo account). The withdrawal is made immediately back to your Fidoo account.