Travel insurance

Ordering travel insurance

  1. Section Settings People – select the user for whom you want to arrange travel insurance.
  2. Click on Ikona nastavení and select Order Insurance.

  1. Select the type of insurance by clicking the Order Standard Insurance or Order Plus Insurance button.
  2. Confirm with the Order insurance button.

Cancellation of travel insurance

  1. Settings People – select the user you want to cancel travel insurance for.
  2. Click on Ikona nastavení and select Terminate Insurance.
  3. Confirm with the Cancel Insurance button.

Download travel insurance documents

  1. Settings People Products tab.
  2. Click here to download the necessary documents.

Travel guide

Filling in the logbook

When filling in the logbook, the application saves continuously, so there is no need to click the Save button, which is not found in this section.

  1. Section Corporate finance Logbook – click on the vehicle whose logbook you want to fill in.
  2. Before you start filling in individual journeys for the first time, fill in the initial odometer reading at the beginning of the month. By filling in the runs one by one, you will be able to calculate the ending balance. If you also fill in the final status, the app will show you the number of kilometres you need to enter for the month.

  3. On the desired day, select the type of journey and fill in the mandatory fields for the journey: from where, to where, length in km, starting and ending odometer reading, journey time, break and purpose (in the case of a private journey, the last 2 fields do not need to be filled in).
  4. After filling in all the days in the month when the car was used, select Confirm and then Confirm again.

Entering a reverse journey

  1. Section Corporate finance Logbook – click on the vehicle whose logbook you will be filling in.
  2. Click on a ride to view its details – select Ride back.
  3. All mandatory fields are automatically filled in, the departure time is delayed by 1 hour after the arrival time.

Repeating the ride

  1. Section Corporate finance Logbook – click on the vehicle whose logbook you will be filling in.
  2. Click on a ride to view its details – select Repeat Ride.
  3. In the calendar that appears, select the days when the trip was repeated and enter Repeat.

Deleting a ride

  1. Section Corporate finance Logbook – click on the vehicle whose logbook you will be filling in.
  2. Click on a ride to view its details – select Delete.

Confirmation of the logbook

  1. Section Corporate finance – Logbook – click on the vehicle whose logbook you want to confirm.
  2. Check and edit the information you entered, if necessary, and select Confirm and Confirm again.

Rejection of the logbook

  1. Corporate Finance – Logbook – click on the vehicle assigned to the user whose logbook you want to check.
  2. If the data does not correspond to reality and you wish to make an adjustment on the driver’s side, select Reject (top right), specify the reason and click Reject.

Sending a reminder to fill in the logbook (only available for assigned vehicles)

  1. Section Corporate finance – Logbook – select a vehicle whose logbook is not confirmed.
  2. Click Remind and Send.

Frequently asked questions about the Journey Book

In the BETA version, it is possible to validate the logbook without all the necessary data required by law. Only distance or speedometer information is required. When confirming the logbook, a message will be displayed stating that the logbook cannot be confirmed for some reason or that some journeys are not complete according to government regulations. You can verify this information by clicking on the bulb that appears next to the route of an incomplete journey, but even if you don’t correct the errors, you can still validate the logbook.

Export expenditure

Creating an export of expenses

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of expenses.
  2. Select Set up filter (right), enter the necessary data and confirm by clicking Filter expenses.
  3. Click Export (bottom right), fill in the name and select Create Export.

Withdrawal of export expenditure

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of expenses.
  2. Click on the export you want to download and type Download data.

Deleting the export of expenses

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of expenses.
  2. Click on the export you want to delete, type Delete and confirm with the Delete button.

FAQs on exporting expenses

  1. In My/Corporate Finance → Expenses.
  2. Click the Export Expenses arrow button and select With receipts.
  3. A zip file containing the receipts in the format in which they were added to the application is downloaded to your computer.

Keep in mind that the filter settings will affect what data (and receipts) will be downloaded.

Edit users

Edit user identification

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to edit.
  2. Click on :trojrypák: and select Edit Identification.
  3. Edit the necessary fields and Save settings.

Edit user profile (phone, position, employee number)

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to edit.
  2. Click on :trojrypák: and select Edit Profile.
  3. Edit the necessary fields and Save settings.

In the user profile, you can also assign a default cost centre or project to a specific user, which will then be pre-populated on that user’s expenses and travel orders. The user will also be able to change this pre-filled cost centre or project as required when entering the expense or voucher.

Change user rights and roles

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to edit.
  2. Click on :trojrypák: and select Edit rights.
  3. Check/uncheck the rights you want to assign or remove and Save.

Modification of the key role of accountant/treasurer/fleet manager

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to edit.
  2. Click on :trojrypák: and select Edit Key Roles.
  3. Add/remove the user from the role and confirm with the Yes, I confirm button.

Ordering travel insurance

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to insure.
  2. Click on :trojrypák: and select Order Insurance.
  3. Select one of the options and click on Order Standard or Plus Insurance.
  4. Confirm with the Order insurance button.

Cancellation of travel insurance

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to cancel insurance for.
  2. Click on :trojrypák: and select Terminate Insurance.
  3. Confirm with the Cancel Insurance button.

Pocket allowance settings

  1. Settings People – select the person you want to set the pocket money for.
  2. Click on :trojrypák: and select Pocket Money Settings.
  3. Check/uncheck the box to enable/disable the foreign business travel allowance and Save.

Notification settings

  1. Section Settings – People – Select the user you want to set notifications for.
  2. Select a tab Notifications and tick Individual settings.
  3. By sliding the button /to turn on/off messages or notifications, and Save.

Deleting a user

  1. Settings People – select the user you want to delete.
  2. Click on :trojrypák: and select Delete user.
  3. Confirm with the Delete user button.

Exporting card transactions

Creating an export of card transactions

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of card transactions.
  2. Select the period (top right) and enter Export.
  3. Fill in the name and select Create export.

Withdrawal of card transaction export

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of card transactions.
  2. Click on the export you want to download and type Download data.

Deleting the export of card transactions

  1. Section Accounting agenda Export of card transactions.
  2. Click on the export you want to delete, type Delete and confirm with the Delete button.

Card Transaction Export FAQs

Since the wallet is always one for one currency and employee, you can just use transaction filtering by currency. You can find it in My/Corporate Finance → Cash under the Transactions tab.

Fidoo API and its settings

The API is secured using a statically generated key that uses the permissions of the user whose Fidoo account it was generated under. Depending on the permission level of this user, the API key can be used for read-only or write/change data.

The ability to generate API keys is by default assigned to the user in the role of Main Administrator in Fidoo. If you want to grant this right to another user, you need to contact our Client Care Center and request activation of the key generation option.

  1. The main administrator or a user with granted rights can see the section Settings → Company → API key management, where he can generate one or more API keys.

    Fidoo API settings
    Fidoo API settings
  2. The API key must be inserted into the X-Api-Key header in the queries being called.

Test data

If you are interested in a test environment, please contact our Client Care Center( We will be happy to set up a Fidoo test environment that can communicate with the test API from the repository: