View transactions

Filter and download card transactions

  1. My Finances – Cards – here you can see all the card transactions you have created.
    Transactions in Fidoo
  2. Click Set filter, set the filtering parameters, and then type Confirm filter.
    Filtering transactions
  3. Click on Download icon to download a filtered transaction report.

View transactions on the card

Transaction statuses

Blocked Transaction – the payment has been made but not yet accepted by the merchant, the blockage may last for several days.

Rejected transaction – the payment was not made for some reason (insufficient funds, wrong PIN, expired card, etc.)

Transaction FAQs

  • Check the validity of your card.
  • Make sure you enter the correct details (PIN, card number, expiry date, CVC/CVV code).
  • Make sure you have enough funds on your card.
  • Check that you are allowed the payment method you are trying to pay with.
  • If you have checked all of the above, please contact the customer service line.
  1. My Finance – Cards – Statements – here you can find all monthly statements for your card.
  2. Click on the listing and the details will be displayed on the right side of the screen.
  3. You can download the extract using the Download to pdf button .
  4. In the case of external cards, you can find the statement directly on the bank’s website.

Management and changes to assignments

Changes to meal allowance rates

The meal plan cannot be changed, only a new one can be created with the earliest date of validity from the day after its creation. This setting is valid until it is replaced by a new setting.

  1. Section Settings Credits- Meals Create new (top right).
  2. Write the name and select the validity, add the new domestic meal allowance rates.
    You can adjust the foreign meal allowance:
    a. Bulk – enter the percentage of the meal allowance and select Recalculate.
    b. Individually – in the search box, type the country for which you want to adjust the meal allowance. Also change the rate for the selected country.
    Meal allowance rates
  3. Save.

Changes to pocket money rates

  1. Section Settings Honours Pocket Money.
  2. Choose to calculate your pocket money before or after the reduction of foreign diets.
  3. Enter the percentage of your pocket money and select Recalculate.
  4. Save.

How approval works in Fidoo

Approval process in Fidoo

When an expense is created, a receipt is created, or a recharge card request is sent, the approver is informed of the item to approve as follows:

Expenses and receipts

  • In the web application, a number (number of items to be approved) will appear in the Approvals section.
  • In the mobile app you will informed by based on your notification settings.

Requests to top-up the employee card

  • In the web application, a number (number of items to be approved) will appear in the Approvals section.
  • The mobile app will notify you with a notification as soon as a top-up request is sent.

Who is the approver

  • An approver is an application user who approves card recharge requests, expenses and/or receipts sent to them.
  • When you become an approver, you will see a new section in the app called Team Finance. This section displays the cards, expenses and/or receipts of all users for whom you are an approver.

Hierarchy of approval

Approval at company level

  • This is the most general form of approval, where the same approver is set for all users.

Approval at team level

  • The user selected as the team manager sees the team members’ expenses and usually becomes the approver.

Approval at project level

  • For each project that is entered in theapplication, , it is specified who is its approver. When a user enters a project into an expense or assignment, the user specifies to whom it will be sent for approval.

Individual approval

  • Each user has their own approver set up, but when selecting Project Approval, the individual settings cannot be applied to approve expenses and receipts.

Company settings

Fidoo account settings

  1. Section SettingsCompanyFidoo account.
  2. In the Generate automatic statements box, click Change settings.
    Generating statements
  3. Click on
    Options switch
    to turn on the settings option.
  4. Select the format, frequency and method of sending and Confirm.

Setting up invoice sending

  1. Section
    Settings – Company – Billing
  2. Click to activate/deactivate sending invoices by e-mail
  3. Select who will receive the invoice by email by ticking the key role, selecting a user or entering an address and Save your changes.

Setting up personal billing

  1. Section Settings – Company – Personal billing.
  2. Select the frequency of personal billing and Save.

Setting up personal billing

Statements will be sent to you according to the method you have chosen and will also be saved in the application in the Corporate FinanceFidoo AccountStatements tab.

Vehicle management

Vehicle activation/deactivation

  1. Section Settings Vehicles – click on the vehicle you want to activate/deactivate.
    The vehicle is active:
  2. Click on  and select Deactivate vehicle.
    The vehicle is deactivated:
  3. Click on and select Activate vehicle.

Vehicle modification

  1. SettingsVehicles – click on the vehicle you want to edit.
  2. Click on the green Edit sign (right side of the screen).
  3. Edit the required data and Save.

Deleting a vehicle

  1. Section Settings – Vehicles.
  2. Click on the vehicle you want to delete and via select Delete vehicle.
  3. Confirm with the button Delete.

Export of vehicles

  1. Section Settings – Vehicles .
  2. Set the filter and click on
  3. ChooseFormat and click on Export.

Approval and rejection of expenditure

Authorisation of expenditure

Web app

  1. Approvals section tab Expenses and Receipts click on the person you want to approve.
  2. Click on the name of the expense and check or edit it.
  3. Select Approve Expense in the expense detail.
  4. Bulk approval – tick the expenses you want to approve, either individually or in bulk:
    a. Individually – window on the right for each expense
    b. Bulk – window on the right above all expenses

  5. Select Approve Selected (bottom right) and confirm with the Approve Items button.

Mobile app

  1. Bottom menu – Approvals Expenditure tab.
  2. Click on the expense you want to approve.
  3. If necessary, select Edit, edit the data and Save.

  4. Select Approve and Confirm.

Rejection of expenses

Web app

  1. Approvals section tab Expenses and Receipts click on the person you want to approve.
  2. Click on the name of the expense and check it.
  3. Select Reject Expense in the expense detail.
  4. Fill in the reason and select Reject.
  5. For Bulk Approval, tick the expenses you want to reject, either individually or in bulk:
    a. Individually – window on the right for each expense
    b. Bulk – window on the right above all expenses

  6. Select Reject Selected (bottom right).
  7. Fill in the reason and select Reject items.

Mobile app

  1. Bottom menu – Approvals Expenditure tab.
  2. Click on the expense and type Reject.
  3. Fill in the reason and select Reject.

Frequently asked questions about the web or mobile application

The issue is returned to the user for further editing. At the same time, the user will receive an email stating the reason for the rejection.

Personal settlement

Closing an item as private

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Check the expenses that are to be private (box to the right of the expense).
  3. Click on Settings icon (bottom right) and select Close Expenses as Private.
  4. Confirm by clicking Close as private.

Carry forward to the next accounting period

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Tick the items you want to move (box to the right of the expense).
  3. Click on Settings icon (bottom right) and select Move to next period.

Reversal of an item carried forward to the next accounting period

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Scroll all the way down or click the Moved to next period tab.
  3. Select View and click to return the expense to the current accounting period.

Enforced closure of expenses and assignments

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Tick the items you want to close and select Close selected items (bottom right).
  3. Confirm with the Close button , including the unapproved ones.

Reopening a closed item

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Find the item you want to reopen and click .

Cash settlement

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Scroll down or click on the Cash tab.
  3. Enter the date and select Align All.

or click on , enter the amount and date and select Settle.

Cash settlement

If the Accountant uses cash reconciliation for the employee and his/her wallet, then this wallet is reset on the employee’s side in Fidoo (this reconciliation is visible in the cash wallet as an entry, as well as in the employee’s Personal Statement). At the same time, this settlement will be reflected in the Export for Wages.

Settlement of cash expenditure

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Scroll down or click on the Cash expenditures tab.
  3. Tick the expenses to be offset (box to the right of the expense).
  4. Click on :trojrypák: (bottom right) and select Balance expenses.
  5. Confirm with the Align button.

The balanced expenditure can be found in the Wallet Settlement Summary. Here you also have the option to undo the expense settlement by clicking on :sipka_zpet_zelena:. It is possible to return the expenses individually – each balanced expense is listed here on a separate line.

Click on Reconcile to reconcile the expenditure in the amount on the date specified.

Conclusion of personal settlement

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Check that all items are in the Closed state.
  3. Select Close entire settlement (top right) and confirm with the Close settlement button.

Closure of the entire settlement

Closure of personal accounts without approved items

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the user.
  2. Check that all items are in the state you want.
  3. Select Close entire settlement (top right).
    The application will notify you how many pending items will be automatically carried forward to the next accounting period.
  4. Select Close billing.

Bulk closing of personal accounts without items

  1. Section
    Accounting agenda – Personal accounts
  2. Click on Set filter, check Open and Without items and select Filter.
  3. Tick the first Personal Billing and then press and hold Shift to tick the last billing (the billing will be marked in bulk).
  4. Choose Close blank bills.

Export of personal accounts

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the Personal accounts you want to export.
  2. Click on Settings icon (top right) and select Download PDF.

Exporting bills to PDF

Export receipts for personal billing

  1. Section Accounting agenda Personal accounts – select the Personal accounts you want to export.
  2. Click on Settings icon (top right) and select Export receipts.

Description of individual expenditure balances:

Correct identity verification

What does AML proxy mean?

AML law = anti money loundering = anti money laundering law

The AML proxy is the person who is responsible for identifying card users in the application. Every 12 months they undergo online training to learn about legislation and regulatory regulations. Identification must be made for each user who becomes a personal or team card holder.

Note: An unauthenticated user will not be able to activate a new card in the app or take over a team card until they have been identified.

Documents that may be presented at identification

  • Identity card
  • Belt
  • EU ID

Visual user identification

  • Identity card authenticity check – damage, cut corner, taped over, etc.
  • Identity card validity check – check the “valid until”.
  • Photo check – check that the photo on the document matches the person who presented the document.

User identification

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to identify.
  2. Click on Settings icon and select Make Identification.
  3. Click Make Identification in the orange bar on the right side of the screen.
  4. Fill in the required data and Save settings.

Approval of user identification

  1. Tasks section – click on Approve User Identification and Open.
  2. Check the details, tick the confirmation box and enter Confirm.

Rejecting user identification

  1. Section Tasks – click on Approve user identification and Open.
  2. Check the data and if it is not in the poline, select Reject,write the reason for rejection and click on the Reject button.

Change of identification data

  1. Settings People – select the user you want to change.
  2. Click on Settings icon and select Edit Identification.
    User identification
  3. Enter the new data and Save settings.

  • A PEP, or Politically Exposed Person, is an individual who

    is or was

    in a major public office of regional, national or even greater significance.
  • As part of the verification of the cardholder’s identity, it is the duty of the AML Act to determine whether the person is a PEP.
  • A complete list of Politically Exposed Persons can be found here: PEP
  • Yes, he can hold Fidoo cards. U PEPa we just need the more thorough verification that the AML law requires.

Project management and changes

Modification of the project

  1. Section Settings Projects – select the project you want to edit.
  2. Click on
    Settings icon
    and select Edit Project.
    Modification of the project
  3. Edit the necessary data and Save the project.

Project activation/deactivation

  1. Section Settings Projects – select the project you want to edit.
  2. Click on
    Settings icon
    and type Activate/deactivate project.

Deleting a project

  1. Settings Projects – click on the project you want to delete.
  2. Click on
    Settings icon
    and select Delete Project.

Approval and rejection of assignments

Approval of assignments

Web app

  1. Approvals section tab Expenses and Receipts click on the person you want to approve.
  2. Click on the name of the receipt and check it.
  3. Click on Approve Request/Report in the detail of the assignment.
  4. In the case of Bulk Approval, tick the receipts and the accompanying expenses you wish to approve (box to the right of each item).

  5. Select Approve Selected (bottom right) and confirm with the Approve Items button.

Mobile app

  1. Bottom menu – Approvals – tab Honours.
  2. Click on the receipt you want to approve and check it.
  3. Select Approve and Confirm and Close.

Rejection of assignments

Web app

  1. Approvals section tab Expenses and Receipts click on the person you want to approve.
  2. Click on the name of the receipt and check it.
  3. Click on Reject Request/Message in the detail of the assignment.
  4. Fill in the reason and select Reject.
  5. In the case of Bulk Approval, tick the receipts and the accompanying expenses you wish to reject (box to the right of each item).

  6. Select Reject Selected (bottom right).
  7. Specify the reason and select Reject Items.

Mobile app

  1. Bottom menu – Approvals – tab Honours.
  2. Click on the assignment and type Reject..
  3. Fill in the reason and select Reject.

Yes, partly. In the bottom bar under the Approvals section, select the Honours tab. Click on the detail of the assignment from which you can approve or reject it.

However, you will only find reports in the list of receipts that have all attached expenses in the To be approved status. Other messages can only be found in the web app. 

In the case of project approval settings, assignments can only be approved in the web application.