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Corporate multi-currency account with EUR interest

Making money on the euro? It’s possible! Just leave the incoming payments in EUR in your company’s multi-currency Fidoo account. Before you send the money out into the world, we’ll make it profitable.

Why have a multi-currency Fidoo account

Money in 24 currencies available for immediate dispatch

The expected interest rate for EUR balances is 1% p.a.

Every month you know exactly how much your euros have earned

You need an active Fidoo FX account to receive interest

How does the EUR
interest rate with Fidoo FX work?

We calculate interest daily and credit it to your EUR virtual wallet in bulk for the previous month. You don’t have to worry about a thing – while you’re going about your business, your funds are appreciating. From the moment they are credited to the day before they are debited.

What is the value of the interest rate?

The interest rate is variable, we announce it retroactively within 10 calendar days after the end of the month for which it was valid. The rate for the previous month can always be found on this website.

Create a free online account

No paperwork or forms. You can start saving on your shift today.

Create a user account

All you need is your email and phone number.

You register a company

You will fill in basic company information, verify your identity and sign the terms and conditions. We will open your account within 3 days.

Exchange more, pay less

Depending on the volume of money you exchange with us, you can save up to half a million a year on your exchange thanks to our competitive rates.

Co o nás říkají zákazníci

Pravidelně volíme pro směnu většího objemu peněz Fidoo FX. Proč? Jednou jsme si platbu v  EUR omylem poslali na CZK účet vedený v bance – stálo nás to 75 000 CZK – to je plná lednice pro naše pracovníky na dva měsíce nebo měsíční náklady na juniornějšího mediora, které jsme mohli ušetřit.

Michaela Benkovičová

Head of Finance – DataSentics

Co o nás říkají zákazníci

Při směně jsme vždy smlouvali – volali do více bank a porovnávali kurzy. Firemní finance ovlivňovalo to, jakou má bankéř náladu. U Fidoo FX oceňujeme pevně daná pravidla i cenu – vidíme přesný výpočet kurzu zafixovaného na 30 vteřin a význam pro nás má i přehledné české prostředí. To se ještě více projevuje u Expense managementu, který používá celý náš tým.

Tereza Mádrová

CFO – 100 Towers Holding

Co o nás říkají zákazníci

Díky Fidoo FX jsem zjistil, že se dá na směně ušetřit – v našem případě až 17 % nákladů. Při objemech přes milion korun měsíčně je to nezanedbatelná částka. Stojíme před zásadní investicí – novou výrobní halou ve Zlíně, zároveň co půl roku servisujeme obráběcí stroje a inovujeme strojový park. Každá ušetřená koruna nám proto pomáhá v růstu. 

Lukáš Res

CEO – Paerk tools

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Frequently asked questions

Answers to your questions

The interest rate is variable, the rate is announced retrospectively within 10 calendar days after the end of the month for which it was valid. The interest rate can be found in always at the following website.

Currently we are paying interest viaresources in EUR wallet. At interest balances v other currencies already working.

Just have v via interest-bearing month Euros v currency wallet. Interest we calculate z current amount balances daily, specifically between 18:00 and 20:00.

We calculate interest daily, but we credit it to your EUR wallet in bulk for the entire previous month no later than the last day of the calendar month.

In the words of our lawyers, “Credited interest is taxable under the applicable regulations, and you are responsible for paying the correct tax.”

Although interest is not subject to withholding tax, we recommend that you consult your tax office for the correct withholding tax – we will always provide you with complete documentation.

Start saving
on your shift today

One account for currency conversion and foreign payments