We are constantly striving to improve our services and the security of the Fidoo application. For this reason, we are introducing strong authentication for login
as an integral part of both the mobile and web-based Fidoo applications for all users starting from May 18, 2020. Strong authentication helps you enhance the Fidoo application access security and prevents casual misuse.
Current security access of the application is being extended by adding one more feature to authentication during your login. Besides the username and password, we are adding a verification SMS code. After filling in your username and password, a text message will automatically come to your mobile phone number. The principle is the same as if you are logging into your online banking.
The user option to enable/disable strong authentication at login is only available in the Fidoo app until May 17, 2020. Starting May 18, 2020, we will turn on strong authentication at login for all users without the possibility to disable this security feature.
We recommend that you change your mobile phone number in the late afternoon hours. It can take up to 12 hours for all our systems to update, and until then, all verification codes may still go to the original phone number (for example, for online payments).
The actual and functional mobile number is requested.
The user option to enable/disable strong authentication at login is only available in Fidoo until May 17, 2020. Starting May 18, 2020, we will turn on strong authentication at login for all users without the possibility to disable this security feature again.
It must always be a mobile phone number which can receive a SMS.
Please contact your Main Administrator to make sure a correct mobile phone number is provided in your profile.
We recommend to enter your private mobile phone number.
It will not be possible to log in without it.
No, however by the May 18, 2020, we will automatically turn it on for all users.
We are forced to do so base on European legislation related to raise of security related to payment services. Unfortunatelly it is impossible not to implement it.
© Direct Fidoo Payments s.r.o. 2023 Powered by Mastercard. Mastercard je registrovanou ochrannou známkou společnosti Mastercard International Incorporated. Fidoo karta je vydávána na základě licence společnosti Mastercard International Inc. Direct Fidoo Payments s.r.o. je platební instituce zapsaná v seznamu poskytovatelů platebních služeb vedeném Českou národní bankou s oprávněním poskytovat platební služby dle § 3 odst. 1 písm. b), c) a e) zákona o platebním styku.