Úvod Support Expense management Accountant Reconsiliations Accounting approval

Accounting approval

Filtering over people and items

The app allows you to filter the data using the Set Filter button, which you can always find in the middle of the screen at the top in the following sections:

User filter: section SettingsPeople
Expenditure filter: section Corporate FinanceExpenditure
Card filter: section Corporate FinanceCards – tab Information about the cards
Card Transaction Filter: section Corporate FinanceCards – tab Transactions
Filter wallet currencies and view cash balance to date: section Corporate financeCash – tab Wallets
Cash transaction filter: section Corporate financeCash – tab Transactions
Filter travel requests: section Corporate FinanceTreasures – bookmark Applications
Filter messages for business trips: Corporate FinanceTreasures – bookmark News
Fidoo account transaction filter: section Corporate finance – tab Transactions
Vehicle filter: section SettingsVehicles and display of cash on hand

Editing and approval of items


  1. Corporate Finance Expenses – click on the expense you want to edit/approve and select Edit.
  2. Complete/edit the necessary fields and select Save or Close Expense (depending on the current status of the expense).

Travel reports

  1. Corporate Finance Honours Reports tab – select the report you want to edit/approve.
  2. Click Edit message (top right).
  3. Fill in/edit the necessary fields and select Save or Close message (depending on the current status of the message to the receipt).